Yoga Cults Special

In September 2021, the popular Spotify show “Cults” spearheaded a special on “Yoga Cults.” Having been involved in LA’s wellness space for several years by this point, I was excited to explore this topic.

This episode details the rise of Geshe Michael Roach, a Buddhist monk who sold diamonds for a living. The plot unfolds with the death of his father, launching the listener toward his eventual touting of Kundalini sex rituals and committed spiritual partnerships. Eventually, they took a turn for the worst when a toxic love triangle led to the sudden death of one of his male retreatants.

In my research for this episode, I visited Geshe Michael Roach’s “Enlightenment” studio in the Bowery district of New York City — which has hosted anemic, tofu-loving hippies since the 90s. Though I did not enroll in his Enlightenment courses, which are still available for $1000 a pop, I did cop a pair of shorts with the word “enlightenment” on them. You know, for posterity.

🎙️ Yoga Cults, Part 2


Lady Diana Special


Medical Murders: Elizabeth Wettlaufer